Heyuan Topping Stamping
The stamping workshop has 58 high-precision presses from 45T to 300T (including 12 progressive die high-speed presses) and various supporting facilities (such as robotic automation equipment, automatic riveting equipment, automatic tapping machine, spot welding machine, ultrasonic welding machine, etc.), which can meet the mass production and processing needs of various stamping parts below 300T; currently, stamping mainly covers various types of printers, copiers, and financial equipment components.
ADIA 80-200T robotic production line Xingduan 220T robotic production line
AIDA 300T progressive high-speed press Supporting facilities: NC indexing plate
tapping equipment
NC riveting equipment Mitutoyo 3D inspection equipment
Zhongfeng 2D inspection equipment Single-stage Robotic stamped Product: This
product feature a large drawing structure and
multiple hollowed-out sections, demanding high
standards for tooling and die production process
Single-stage Stamped Component: This Ultrasonic Hot-Melt Component: This optical
large-sized product involve multiple processes bracket component requires a positional accuracy
and require various machining equipment, of 0.03 mm, demanding high standards in
including punch presses, NC tapping machines, stamping manufacturing process design
and NC riveting machines
High cosmetic requirement Component: This Progressive die Stamping Component: Stainless
product has high aesthetic requirements, with the steel spring clip with thin material and multiple
entire front serving as the paper path surface. This bends require high dimensional accuracy. This
necessitates stringent process management places high demands on the design of
during manufacturing progressive dies