Shenzhen Topping Stamping
The stamping production equipment includes 42 imported presses of different models from 400T to 60T, 38 robots from Kawasaki (Japan) and Qin Feng (domestic), covering the production of various printers, copiers, automotive parts, and financial equipment components.
400T-300T progressive die stamping workshop Komatsu 400T progressive press
Komatsu 300T progressive press Ormec progressive feeding machine
Progressive die inner tapping machine SEYI 200T-60T single-stage stamping workshop
400T-250T single-stage stamping workshop WETORI 400T hydraulic single-stage press
AIDA 300T-250T single-stage presses Kawasaki 50KG robot stamping production line
Kawasaki 10KG robot stamping production line Qin Feng 5KG robot stamping production line
Ruiyuanxun 600B CNC riveting machine Ruiyuanxun CNC tapping machine
Servo multi-axis tapping machine Servo indexing plate tapping machine
Skymen fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning machine Progressive die Stamping Product:
Power supply base plate stamped
through multiple steps, formed in
one machine, ensuring high
production efficiency
Progressive die Stamping Product: Hydraulic press stamped product
Static Elimination Part ATM Base Plate
0.1 material thickness with an R0.05 Large product dimensions
below tip radius, produced without (1200mm*500mm), multiple
small fragment processing to avoid drawing features on the bottom,
defects (patented technology) produced with 400T hydraulic press
to ensure flatness and dimensional
Single-stage die Stamping Product: Single-stage die Stamping Product:
Fork Paper path component
6.0 material thickness with strict large arcs require high precision in
mold strength requirements.Both the paper passage surface.
ends must be round with round
through holes, manufactured with
stamping, forging, and turning
CNC Riveted Product: Printer and CNC Tapped Products: Thread
copier drive units are riveted using accuracy meets the TAS (Japan Tool
NC riveting machines. After riveting, Industry Association specifications)
the position accuracy of the shaft standard. These products have a
root and tip must be within 0.2 mm, material thickness of T=0.6~6.0 mm
and the relative position accuracy of and multiple threaded holes are
each shaft must be within 0.1 mm. processed in a single operation