Heyuan Topping Injection Molding
The injection workshop has 50 high-precision injection machines from 40T to 850T (including one 250-ton two-color machine) and various supporting facilities (such as centralized feeding system, product conveying system, waste gas recovery system, water gate material management system, etc.), which can meet the mass production and processing needs of various injection parts below 850T; currently, injection molding mainly covers various types of printers, copiers, home appliance parts.
HAITIAN 40-200T High-Precision Injection Molding Machine HAITIAN 250T High-Precision Two-Color Injection Molding Machine
HAITIAN・380T-470T High-Precision Injection Molding Machine MITUSUBISHI・600-850T High-Precision Injection Molding Machine
Centralized Feeding System Waste Gas Recycling System
Cooling Water System Marine Radar Dome Component: This products
include internal and external threaded structures,
as well as metal insert molding structures,
demanding high standards in mold
manufacturing processes.
Cash Register Component: This product requires Printer Drive Gear Component: This gear
a high level of cosmetic standard and must be component requires high standards for mold
produced using high-gloss, high-temperature design and machining precision.
molds. Additionally, they demand stringent
molding process conditions
Printer Transparent Photoreceptor Component: This Printer Button Component: This button
transparent component has stringent aesthetic component has weak local connection areas,
requirements. The production process must avoid color requiring stringent process control during
mixing and meet high standards for mold manufacturing production to ensure strength and durability.
and process control